Visitors Counter

     The Post Graduate Institute of Agri-Business Management was started in the month of October 2008 with the limited in-house resources. The first batch of the institute was 6 students from different discipline. Due to the contented and constant efforts of the team, institute reached to the milestone of 27 students & 39 students in the second & third batch respectively.
1. Classroom Teaching
     The institute is having endowed in house faculties that include doctorate from agricultural economics and marketing management. We are also having experts from Marketing, Finance, Research, Agril. Engineering and Agril. Statistics. We are blessed with the rich assets of various departments of university. During teaching we are giving importance to case study, presentation, role play and other required tools to enhance the students of the institute. Two way communications is an added tool for the institute to meet the demand of the corporate world. During teaching students are participating regularly in the related issue. To get acquaint with the latest development students are reading magazines and periodicals on various subjects. Classroom assignment and work assignment are the backbone of the success.
2. Summer Training
    The students are having summer training of 6 to 8 weeks. Students of the first batch have spent 6 weeks in various agro based companies and prepared systematic report on the pertaining issue under the supervision of the faculty. This practical experience bridge the gap between theory and practice.
3. Visiting/Guest Faculty
    We are regularly inviting professional executives and expert faculties from IRMA, NDDB, AMUL, IIM (Ahmedabad), Management Associations (Ahmedabad), Gujarat Agro Industry etc. Besides this we had expert lecture on Consumer Protection Act and RTI.
4. Industry Visit
    For the better understanding of functional area of the company we are consistently organizing industry visits for the students in various agro-based companies. We have visited Processing unit, Fisheries Companies, various APMC's, warehouses, farm implements industries, dairy, agricultural input (seeds, pesticides and fertilizer industries) etc. generally at Gujarat and particularly at Saurashtra region. Students have to prepare the report on given companies under the direction of the faculty.
5. Project Report 
   Students of the institute are having extensive project work in the final semester with duration of six month. This project work will teach them about working environment, stress management, task achievement, teamwork, coordination, leadership and much other related issue of the corporate. At the end of training students have to prepare project report on the given issue under the assistance of the faculty member.