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College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Junagadh

Information Brochure

     The College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology established in March, 1984 with the broad mandate of teaching, research and extension education in agricultural engineering. The first batch of B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) was admitted in July 1984, considering the importance of Agricultural Engineering under the then Gujarat Agricultural University at Junagadh Campus.
     With the split of Gujarat Agricultural University into four universities with effect from May 1, 2004, now the college is one of the constituent colleges of Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. The Junagadh Agricultural University Campus is located in the heart of Junagadh city at about 4 km from Railway Station and 3 km from Junagadh Bus Station. The College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (CAET) is located at the campus. The college building is spread in about 6 ha land. The total in built area of the building area is 25000 sq.m. In addition to this, the Instructional farm of about 35 ha is maintained by the college. Instructional farm is used for UG, PG and departmental research and practical. It is also providing demonstration of a mechanized farm to students and farmers. It is also used to produce breeder and truthful seed to the farmers.
     The Agricultural Engineering plays a very important role in increasing production and productivity of agricultural crops, thereby, increasing the income of farmers. The important areas in which Agricultural Engineering profession has to play major role are timeliness of farm operation through efficient agricultural implements and machinery including testing and evaluation of farm implements / machineries as per BIS system, appropriate land and water management activities, Precision Irrigation Technology, value addition and efficient post-harvest technology and processing of farm produces, efficient management of renewable energy resources, protective cultivation green house technology, use of plastic in crop cultivation and use of Artificial Intelligence in the agricultural equipment, machinery and process.
Degrees Offered:
    The College offers facilities for study of Agricultural Engineering, leading to degree of Bachelor of Technology (Agricultural Engineering) with intake capacity of 117 students. The M.Tech. Programme in different disciplines started from June, 1994. The disciplines included Master of Technology (Agril. Engg.) in Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Processing & Food Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering with intake capacity of students in PG is about 30. From the year 2001, Ph.D. programme has also been started in discipline of Soil and Water Engineering. Since year 2005-06 Ph.D. programme started in other disciplines like Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Processing and Food Engineering and Renewable Energy Engineering with total intake capacity of about 15 students.
     The college has Six full–fledged departments namely Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Processing and Food Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering as well as Agricultural Engineering Extension Education.
    To meet the professional requirement, the college has central computer lab facilities. A practical exposure and on-hand working environment is provided through this lab. The computer lab houses the latest configuration in computers, scientific, technical and engineering softwares. Over 100 computer terminals with a range of state-of-the-art software applications spread across a variety of labs for UG / PG students to use. The Computer Laboratory is also used for teaching.
Students' Welfare Facilities:
     The college has essential basic Students' Welfare facilities like Departmental Library, Seminar Hall, Computer Lab, Mechanical Workshop, Instructional Farm, Hostel and Play Ground (Gymkhana). The facilities like Health Center, Sports, Auditorium, Central Library, Canteen and Faculty Residential Quarters are also available at university level. The University organizes for the students different inter collegiate sports / cultural events i.e. Volleyball, Kabaddi, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho, Cricket, Basket Ball, Debate/ Elocution, Chess, Athletic Meet, Cultural Competitions, Badminton, Essay etc. The student counseling cell is offering the guidance to the students on various aspects like preparation for competitive examinations for further study, employment, soft skills, moral responsibilities, entrepreneurship, etc. The cell also take care to arrange additional classes to prepare the students for competitive examination such as GATE, SRF, JRF, NET etc.
     The Training and Placement cell arrange all the Student Ready Programmes particularly Skill Development Trainings, Experiential Learning Programmes, Hands on Trainings and Implant Trainings in more than 50 Organizations/Industries on various aspects of Agricultural Engineering. This cell also invite various Organizations/Companies/Industries to arrange campus interviews for placement of the outgoing UG and PG students.
     Well equipped boys' and girls' hostels accommodation is provided to UG & PG students (boys and girls separately) on the campus, which provide residential facilities to all the admitted students. In addition there is an International hostel is available for foreign students with all facilities Viz. single seated AC rooms with pantry, wash rooms, toilets etc.
     National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) has been formulated by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi funded by World Bank with a total cost outlay of Rs. 1100 crore for five years. Among the three components of NAHEP, Institutional Development Plan (IDP) is the major component of investments towards the 21st century Agricultural university educational plan. The Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), Junagadh, Gujarat, India is the one of the Agricultural University in India which successfully received the prestigious IDP under NAHEP of ICAR, New Delhi with a budget outlay of Rs. 30 crore (including Rs. 5 crore of state share) for improving the competency of education quality. The major theme of the project is “Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Robotics and Drone Technology in Agriculture”.
Infrastructural Facilities
     Under the flagship project of IDP, advanced laboratories of Artificial Intelligence are developed at the College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh which includes,
     i)    Artificial Intelligence Lab
     ii)   Robotics and Automation Lab         
     iii)  CAD and Simulation Lab
     iv)  Precision Agriculture Lab
     v)   SPV Power System and its Control Unit
     vi) Incubation centre on Advance Irrigation Technology
     vii) Incubation centre on Precision Farm Mechanisation 
    In these laboratories, students will gain skillness in these field by practicing sophisticated technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, agricultural sensors, computer aided design and simulation, precision agriculture. Taking these needs in consideration, various advanced equipment such as high-end servers, workstations, spraying drones, surveying drones, welding robots, color sorting machines, self-learning robot kits, robotic arm trainers, 3-D printers, IoT boards, DDS function objects, Automation in MIS, Automatic Pumping Unit, Automatic Filters, Various type of Sensors etc. were purchased to equip laboratories with these cutting edge equipments so that students can learn and gain practical knowledge in these areas. The total outlay of the IDP is about Rs.300 lakhs.
Students Development Activities
     Under the Student Development Programme, around 18 different student activities which includes technical trainings, workshops, communication and personality development programmes, and entrepreneurship and leadership programmes have been organized. A total of about 700 students have become beneficiaries through these activities under NAHEP-IDP. A total of 22 students participated in the international training under this project, out of which 7 students have been sent to the University of California, Davis, USA, 15 students to Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok to undertake the international training under NAHEP-IDP.
Research Projects:
      Four All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRP) and one Consortia Research Project are funded by ICAR i.e.
      i)   Post Harvest Engineering & Technology
      ii)  Plastic Engineering in Agricultural Structure and Environment Management
      iii) Irrigation Water Management
      iv) Farm Implements & Machinery
      v)  Consortia Research Project on Energy from Agriculture
     One ICAR scheme on National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is also being conducted by the college. These projects are contributing the research in the respective fields. Moreover, there are plan / other schemes functioning in the college are Research on Post-Harvest Technology of Important crops of Saurashstra region, Instructional Farm of College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology and three Experiential Learning schemes: Hands on Training agro processing centers for value addition and technical support services, Design, planning and evaluation of watershed and Production & Management of alternative renewable energy are running in the college. There are five Agro Processing Centers run by the AICRP on Post Harvest Technology (ICAR) at Villages Tadka Pipaliya (Ta. Bhesan Dist. Junagadh), Virol (Ta. Mangrol, Dist. Junagadh), Loej (Ta. Mangrol, Dist. Junagadh), Vadala (Ta. Talala, Dist. GirSomnath) and Chotila (Ta. Chotila Dist. Surendranagar) are the ongoing demonstration centre for value addition and income generation to the farmers. It also provides latest know how on post harvest aspects of various crops.Polytechnics in Home Science - Amreli, Agro processing – Junagadh and Agricultural Engineering - Targhadia were started from the year 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2012-13, respectively. The faculty of Agricultural Engineering has so far released / developed 126 (97 Farmer Community + 29 Scientific Community) numbers of research recommendations / technologies for the benefit of farmers and entrepreneurs / industries.
Testing and Training Centre of Farm Machinery :
     The “Testing and Training Centre of Farm Machinery” was established in August -2008 by State Govt. with the help of Central Govt. for testing and training of farm machinery in the Gujarat state. It is on the line of testing of agricultural machines carried out by Farm Machinery Testing and Training Institute (FMTTI), established by the Govt. of India. The center is one of the 30 centers sanctioned by the central Govt. It is only the center in Gujarat by which number of manufacturers taking benefit to test as well as improve the quality as per standards of BIS testing. Since 2008 the center has released test reports of 1151 farm implements which are approved by Government of India.
The Vision and Mission of the College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology are:
The college of Agricultural Engineering and Technology will be one of the nation’s finest colleges and lead others in coordinating the teaching, research and extension education in the field of Agricultural Engineering. The academic quality, continuous efforts for excellence and our responsiveness to the need of farmers and industry would be our distinction.
  • To promote students learning in Agricultural Engineering & Technology to discover and improve new technology for stake holders.
  • To provide the required manpower in the field of agricultural engineering suitable for research to state, nation and globally education, extension, government agency, private industries, agro-industries, NGO etc.
  • To be centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension in the discipline of Agricultural Engineering and Technology.
  • To assist farmers in reduction in cost of cultivation through better utilization of efficient machinery, soil and water conservation, irrigation water management, value addition through farm level processing, post-harvest technology; protective cultivation and use of renewable energy ultimately help the farmers to increase their income. 
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