Mota Bhandariya –Amreli
Information Brochure
The village Mota Bhandariya is located in Amreli taluka in Amreli district of Gujarat state, India. It is located 16 kms towards west from district head quarter Amreli; 80 kms from Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh; and 287 kms from state capital Gandhinagar. It is located in Saurashtra region of Gujarat with 21°32’60” N to 71°6’41” E. It falls under the North Saurashtra Agro-Climate Zone of Gujarat.

Average annual rainfall of Amreli district is 652mm. Almost one-eighth of the total geographical area (13%) was under problematic soils in the district. The degraded and fallow lands like cultivable waste, and current and other fallow lands accounted for 5 per cent of the total geographical area. Permanent pastures (7%) and forest area (6%) needs to be improved.
The cropping pattern in the district indicates that groundnut is the predominant crop with 62 per cent of the total kharif cropped area, followed by cotton (26%) and sesame (10%). On the other hand, in rabi / summer, sesame is the predominant crop (42%), followed by wheat (41%) and groundnut (13%). In case of horticultural crops, the highest area is under spices (cumin, 32%), followed by fruit crops (32%).