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College of Veterinary Science & A.H., J.A.U., Junagadh is going to organize two days National Seminar on “Modern Trends and Advances In Animal Sciences” on 21st and 22nd December, 2018.

     College of  Veterinary Science & A.H., Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh  is going to organize  a two days National Seminar on “Modern Trends and Advances In Animal Sciences”on 21st and 22nd December, 2018. The seminar I being organized under aegis of Institutional Development Plan, Indian council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. Around 130-140 delegates and students from host institute, other SAUs, Veterinary officers, teachers and faculty are expected to participate in the event  which shall focus on  recent innovationas and trends in  animal  sciences . Eminent speakers from host institute, other SAU,s  of Gujarat and National institutes like NDRI, Karnal  and IVRI, Izatnagar   will deliver talks  on issues related to the theme during the seminar.

Click here to see the programme details
