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Dr. P.V. Patel, Director, Students’ Welfare received National Award “ Leading Light Award” at International Conference held at Pune (Maharashtra).

It’s a matter of proud that, Dr. P.V. Patel, Director, Students’ Welfare received Prestigious National Award Leading Light Award” at International Conference on Research Intervention and advances in Life Sciences’” organized at Pune (Maharashtra) by Scire Science foundation for the outstanding     excellence and remarkable contributions in the field of Social and Students’ Welfare activities.

Dr. P. V. Patel received prestigious Award from Dr. B.N. Sathyanarayana, Senior Professor and Head, Tissue Culture Division, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru and International alumini, Imperial College of London ,  in the International Conference on Research Intervention and   advances in Life Sciences’” organized at Pune (Maharashtra) held at Pune during 1-3,August,2018.

Dr. A.R. Pathak Sir, Hon. Vice Chacellor, JAU, Junagadh, Dr. V.P.Chovatia, Director of Research, Dr. A.M.Parakhia, Director of Extensioin Education, Teachers, Students and Staff appreciated and Congratulated to Dr. P.V.Patel for his outstanding achievements.
