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Five days vocational training programme was organized on Autopilot Drone Development under NAHEP-IDP at College of Agriculture, JAU, Junagadh during November 05-09, 2019.

Drone technology is a phenomenal innovation that continues to have far-reaching effects across today’s society, transforming our lives and the way we do business. The agricultural industry seems to have embraced drone technology with open arms, using these advanced tools to transform modern farming. High-tech drones allow farmers, and the drone pilots that operate them, to increase efficiency in certain aspects of the farming process. From crop monitoring to planting, livestock management, crop spraying, irrigation mapping, and more. This approach to farming management is based on observing, measuring, and taking action based on real-time crop and livestock data. It erases the need for guesswork in modern farming and instead gives farmers the ability to maximize their yields and run more efficient organizations, all while enhancing crop production. This training programme will be helpful for students to get knowledge about drone development and application of drone in agriculture.

Click here to see the details




