

Visitors Counter

Dr. N. B. Jadav, (Ph.D.)
Director of Extension Education
Contact Address
Directorate of Extension Education
Junagadh Agricultural University
Junagadh - 362001, Gujarat
91-285-2672653, 2672080-90 (Ext. 341)
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From the desk of Directorate of Extension Education…………
There are three main activities of Junagadh Agricultural University that is Education, Research and Extension. Out of these, Extension is the most important wing to bridge the gap between field and research. Extension Education helps farmers to increase farm productivity through adoption of innovations for better economy. Extension education is directly connected with socio-economic profiles of farmers, hence extension management requires specific skills for human resource development at farm condition to change attitude of farmers.
Junagadh Agricultural University works in ten districts of Saurashtra region of Gujarat state. University is playing key role regarding communication of valuable information of innovation to farmers through various media. University is also catering extension services to farmers with the help of Govt., non-govt. agencies and co-operative sectors. At mass level, University is doing its best efforts by participation of Scientists in State Govt. Programme for farmers i.e. Krishi Mahotsav Mega Mass Communication Festival.
On behalf of University, we are doing our best to cater extension services to last corners of remote area in Saurashtra region where farmer are getting benefit to improve not only there socio-economic status but also to increase national income of the country. I shall be really happy if our farmers take much more help of JAU extension system to access scientific information for increasing the farm production and productivity.
Faculty Information :
in years
Specialized subject
Dr. N. B. Jadav
Director of Extension Education 
Extension Education
Dr. V. J. Savaliya
Training Associate (Agro.)
Agricultural Extension
Dr. H. C. Chhodavadia
Associate Director of Extension Education,
Associate Extension Educationist
Agricultural Extension
Shri S. M. Bhabhor
Agriculture Officer
M.Sc. (Agri.)
Extension Education
Shri S. D.Sarvaiya
Agriculture Assistant
Diploma (Horti.)
Training Centres :
For Farmers.........
  1. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jamnagar.
  2. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Amreli.
  3. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Targhadia (Rajkot).
  4. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khapat (Porbandar).
  5. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nana Kandhasar (Surendranagar).
  6. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pipaliya.
  7. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Morbi.
  8. Sardar Smruti Kendra, Junagadh.
For Government Officers.........
  1. Training and Visit Scheme, Junagadh.
Educational Short Term Courses:
Certificate Courses:
  1. School of Baking (Bakery), Junagadh.
  2. Mali Training Centre, Junagadh.
  3. Agro base ITI, Mahuva, Junagadh.
  4. Certificate course on Pesticides Management.
  5. Integrated Nutrient Management for Fertilizer Dealers.
Government  Schemes and Projects on different centers of JAU
1.  Community Radio Station: Junagadh Janvani 91.2 FM, Junagadh
2.  Agrisnet Studio, Junagadh
3.  Centre of Communication Network (CoC), Junagadh
4.  Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (MGMG), Junagadh
5.  Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), Junagadh
6.  Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA), KVK, Amreli and KVK, Targhadia
7.  National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), KVK,  Amreli and KVK, Targhadia
8.  ATIC (Agriculture Technology Information Centre) - Junagadh, KVKs (Jamnagar, Khapat (Porbandar), Nanakandhasar (Surendranagar), Targhadia (Rajkot), Amreli)
9.  District Agro-Meteorological Unit (DAMU), KVK, Jamnagar and KVK, Amreli
Important Activities:
  1. Publication of JAU News Bulletin quarterly.
  2. Extension Officers of Saurashtra region are being trained about latest agricultural technologies and they communicate to Village Extension Workers and farmers.
  3. Farmers, Farm Women and Youth of Gujarat and visiting farmers from other states are given knowledge about new technologies of agricultural and allied fields through lectures, trainings, literature, personal discussion and organizing visits to research stations.
Extension Activities and Achievements from 2016-17 to 2020-21
1.  The information regarding agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry and allied fields was communicated to 10,16,187 farmers through 48,518 extension activities like demonstrations, kishan goshthies, khedut shibirs, radio talks, TV programmes etc. by KVKs.
2.  KVKs organized 1607 training programmes (On and Off campus) about improved practices of agriculture and allied subjects in which 56,655 farmers participated.
3.  Total number of 10,586 FLDs were conducted by KVKs in area of 3673 ha of  farmers fields.
4. Under Training and Visit System scheme, total number of 12 pre-seasonal, 16 bi-monthly and 43 short-term training programmes were organized, wherein, 3107 extension workers/ officers participated.
5. Under Center of Communication scheme, total number of 115 traning programmes were organized wherein, 5449 farmers participated. Gram Kisan Samities were formed in different villages for communication of technologies.
6. Sardar Smruti Kendra organized 230 On and Off campus training programmes wherein, 10,036 participants were benefitted. More than 36,000 farmers, farm women, youth and stakeholders visited SSK and different research stations of JAU, Junagadh. Visitors were guided and information was given by Sardar Smruti Kendra. The information of new technology and improved practices is published by SSK in forms of booklets, books, folders and leaflets.
7.  Agricultural fairs and agricultural exhibitions were organized under Krushi Mahotsav programmes of Government of Gujarat in which,  the information about improved technologies of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, agricultural engineering and allied fields was provided to about 3,28,000 farmers and farm women.
8.  Under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav programme, 45,506 extesion activities like demonstrations, kishan goshthies,  khedut shibirs, field visits etc. were organized in which 1,87,187 farmers were participated.
9. Under Farmer FIRST programme, 752 extension activities like demonstrations, group meetings, khedut shibirs, field visits etc. were organized in which 8,867 farmersparticipated.
10. The certificate courses on “Seed Production Technology", "Green house Managements", "Seed production in Coconut", "Seed production in Onion" and "Agro ITI (Agriculture)” were organized under Agro based I.T.I. in which, 283 students participated actively and certificates were awarded.
11. School of Baking organized 119 On campus and 61 Off campus training programmes wherein, 8076 farm women participated. Total number of 130 students completed 15 week certificate course. Total number of 57 weekly training programme were  organized wherein, 1017 women participated.
13. The training programme for 14 days on "Green house/Net house crops" was organized wherein 173 farmers participated.
14. The four courses on “Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers” were organized for 740 input dealers. Four courses on "Certificate in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers" were organized for 157 input dealers. The "Certificate Course on Pesticide Management" was organized for 357 input dealers.
15.  The certificate courses on “Integrated Nutrient Managements for Fertilizer Dealers” were organized in which 324 fertilizer dealers actively participated and the certificates were awarded.
18. Junagadh Agricultural University has made MoUs with NABARD, UPL, Pidilite, PCRA and Spark Media Inc. for different extension activities.
19. National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) project is functioning at KVK,  Amreli and KVK, Targhadia. In this project,  different extension activities like method demonstrations, agro advisory services, awareness programmes, exposure visits were carried out. The custom hiring centres are run under this project.
20. Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) project is at KVK, Targhadia and KVK, Amreli. This project is for addressing the rural unemployment by retaining youth in agriculture and allied vocations that will ensure continuous source of livelihood and reduce migration from villages.
20. Under District Agromet Unit at KVK Amreli and Jamnagar, 130 weather bulletins integrating the data of location specific and IMD were prepared and circulated to farmers for planning of agricultural activities.
21. Krushi Darshanalay: Educational Museum
     The educational museum i.e. Krishi Darshanalay is developed at university campus. In this Krishi Darshanalay, the information about high yielding varieties, improved crop production practices, plant protection measures, soil health and water management practices, renewable energy, farm machinery, animal husbandry, fisheries science, agricultural allied fields information, student welfare activities, marketing, processing and value addition of agricultural produce etc. are exhibited with latest and attractive exhibition techniques i.e. bromide, translites, working and static models, specimens, diorama, charts etc.
     So that, farmers can be attracted, take interest and understand well the information exhibited. The Kiosk and videos with detailed information with photographs useful for farmers are also placed in Krishi Darshanalay. So that, visitors can get their needed information in Gujarati language.
     More than 54,000 farmers, farmwomen, students and other stakeholders visited the Krishi Darshanalay for getting information.
Extension Activities and Photographs
